Interview with an APS Finalist: J.L Brown

In September, we caught up with 2023 Australian Poetry Slam Sydney Finalist J.L Brown. Read about J.L’s experience writing and performing poetry, and perhaps take some summer reading inspiration from her list of favourite storytellers.


J. L Brown – photo credit: Bella Martin


What motivated you to perform your poetry on stage?

I have only recently come across the world of performance poetry. In fact, I have only recently realised that what I have been writing, my whole life, is poetry. Here I was thinking for the better part of two decades that I was penning a tidy, marketable novel. Surprise. One and a half months ago, I found a local poetry slam event via Instagram, and my name ended up in the hat. The gentleness, generosity, and LOVE that filled the room that first time was all it took. I have been searching for this community for a very long time. How delightful, to have finally found it.

How does it feel to be representing the Northern Beaches at the APS Sydney Final in October?

I am so honoured and humbled – I know some of the competition already, and it is fierce.

What does a poetry community mean to you?

When I walked into the cafe that first time, I understood that I had stumbled across something precious. A room heaving with others like me, stuffed with words to wrap around all their big feelings. I think that the gentleness, generosity and love mentioned in my first answer was in part, a simple recognition. Ah.There you are. Nice to meet you.

Who are your favourite storytellers and why?

Oh gosh, so many! I'll need a scroll to list them all! Off the top of my head: Toni Morrison, Kurt Vonnegut, Tom Robbins, Clementine Ford, Max Porter, Nick Cave, Nikki Gemmell, The Decemberists, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Anaïs Nin, and Arundhati Roy just to name a few.

What is your favourite word or phrase?

I don't think I have one, but I am told that a word that pops up regularly in my speech is "amazing". And that checks. I quite frequently find myself amazed.

J.L Brown is a fresh voice in Sydney's poetic scene, having dived only recently into the vibrant world of slam poetry. Performing pieces from her debut self-published collection, Tiny Orchestras, her work explores experiences in desire, sexuality, love, and loss, all set in a deeply erotic language and landscape.


Interview with an APS Finalist: Grant Teunissen


Meet the 2023 APS National Finalists